
Well Written and Focused KSA Statements are Your Key to the Locked Interview Door

February 20, 2008

If you feel that the interview door is locked when it comes to applying for a coveted Federal position, well-written and focused KSA statements are your key to opening that door.

A KSA statement actually stands for Knowledge, Skills and Abilities and outlines the qualities you possess that make you an ideal candidate for a certain Federal job.  KSA statements are not questions but each one posed requires an answer because that lets a prospective employer know if you are a viable candidate for the position.  Because your KSA statements show what you can do, well-written statements can get you the interview while poorly constructed responses will disqualify you immediately.

To write great KSA statements, you need to:

  • respond completely to the statements, relating in detail how your skills relate to what is needed for the job;
  • give specific examples of how and where you gained relevant experience;
  • respond simply and in understandable language incorporating the keywords used in the job posting;
  • incorporate all your pertinent experiences into your KSAs to maximize your potential and sell your best qualities; and
  • make sure to proofread your KSAs so they are free of errors.

Hiring a professional resume writer who is familiar with Federal specifications can help you to construct effective KSA statements that mean the difference between opening doors or keeping them closed.


  1. In this tough market, federal positions applicants must be competitive enough to get the post. Getting help from professional resume writers will surely be of great importance.

  2. That is right. It would be good if you will have to have someone go over your work or like what you said hire a professional resume writer to come up with a resume that would surely create an impact.

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