
A Reader Asks: Should I Write My Own Federal Resume or Will it Affect My Chances at Qualifying for a Government Position?

November 5, 2007

Answer:  Writing your own Federal resume is certainly possible but can be a tricky task to take on.  Each posted Federal position has specific requirements and a certain procedure that must be followed to apply for the job.  You are responsible for using certain keywords that appear in the job announcement to get your resume recognized.  Your resume must have a certain number of characters and follow a designated format.  There are knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA statements) that you need to complete to detail  your qualifications for a Federal position.

Also, Federal positions are highly coveted because of the job security and outstanding benefits.  As a result, there are many applicants for one position.  If your resume does not meet all specifications, clearly outline your qualifications for the position and use essential keywords, it is likely to be overlooked.  Hiring a professional resume writer who is familiar with Federal specifications is a solid investment in your future.  A professional resume writer knows the proper way to format and submit your resume to potential Federal employers so it will be noticed.  Although you can write your own Federal resume, it may take you a lot longer to get noticed – if at all.  A resume writer can help you to stand head and shoulders about the other applicants in a competitive Federal job market.

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